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Monday, March 5, 2012

MMM...Monday Motivational Mocha #2

M.M.M.  :  MondayMotivationalMocha is simply something 'syrupy sweet' you can do with your children/students.  Have a great month with your home school and add the MMM if you have time.
MMM Activity - Nature Walk:  Take a Nature Walk! Spend some time marveling at God's handiwork. 
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning GOD CREATED the heavens and the earth.
Now Choose :  Decaf or Regular
MMM Decaf -
Take a walk in your neighborhood, park or nature trail.  Take time to 'smell the roses'.  Look for signs of spring - sights, sounds and smells.
Discuss these questions : 
What was the most interesting/beautiful/wild thing you saw on your walk?
What things did you see that will be different/gone by the end of summer?
Do you think we enjoy God's creation as much as He enjoyed creating it?
MMM Regular  - Start with decaf and then take it to the limit!!
Complete the activities & discussion questions above, then choose 1, 2 , 4 (or more) of the following :
1.  Read about CREATION - Genesis Chapter 1&2 (you could take a break during your walk to do this) 
2.  Search the Bible for more verses about creation/nature.
3.  Collect 1 or 2 nature items on your walk to identify later. (you could use these items in a craft project)  - Email me if you need any ideas...I don't want to bore everyone with my 'crafty' rambling.
4.  Take pictures of your favorite objects in nature.  Write a poem, song or acrostic to go with your favorite photo.
5.  Plant something.  Take pictures 1 time a week/month to see the progress.
6.  Take a field trip to a nature center.
7.  Research  :  What does it mean to 'have a green thumb'?  Where did that phrase come from?
8.  Serve/Volunteer  :  Help a neighbor/local church weed their flowerbeds. 
Teachers (Moms)  -  If you've never read A Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreola, I highly recommend it.  Enjoy His Creation (including your kids).
Let your creative juices (coffee, of course) flow!
Blessings to you & yours -


  1. Great ideas, Stacey! We've been sick around here during almost all of February. I've become used to hanging out inside. We need to get out! ;-)

    I LOVE Pocketful of Pinecones. I need to get that out again.

  2. Me too. Every time I get a copy of that book, I end up giving it away. I'm sure I'll pick it up again one of these days. In the meantime, I need to remember to 'stop and smell the roses'. Especially since I'm graduating one of mine in a few months! Where did the time go?
